Pranav Minasandra

Influence networks in cichlids and meerkats

Which animals in social groups influence the behaviours of their conspecifics? What is the mechanism of behavioural influence? Does being influential/non-influential show as patterns in an individual's behavioural sequences? In this project, I will look at data from cichlids and meerkats to answer these questions.

Spotted hyena accelerometry analyses

During my master's, I developed a classifier that uses accelerometer data to quantify behavioural states of spotted hyenas. Machine learning methods are often criticised for being uninterpretable, and consequently unreliable. This study takes a very cautious, rigorous approach to this analysis, with many sanity checks to make sure what we are saying is sensible. We then use the classifier's predictions to ask what factors affect hyena activity patterns, of which the most interesting factor tested is social synchrony.

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